Highways England Area 3 Asset Survey

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Highways England Area 3 Road Sign and Retro-Reflectivity and Asset Survey

Kier is the managing agent contractor for Area 3, responsible for Network management and maintenance on behalf of Highways England. Within their contract they are responsible for a range of asset management surveys, including the reflectivity performance / condition of road signs. This survey information in turn informs the development of maintenance and renewal schemes.


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Asset Surveying

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Kier employed ATM to carry out a road sign and road marking retro-reflectivity survey using AMAC. The AMAC survey vehicle has the capability to survey road signs at road speed (up to 70 mph on motorways), measuring the retro-reflectivity of the sign background, it’s legend, it’s gps position, and the sign dimensions and height above the carriageway. In effect, collecting a full asset inventory of the signs. The survey was carried out at night, enabling real world accurate data recording, with reduced traffic disruption, and no requirement for traffic management. We processed and presented the signs data and also referenced to HAPMS, which enabled the completed data to be quickly upload into the client's system. Analysis tools within AMAC, enable Reports to be interrogated by condition and asset type categories.
