ATM are proud to be one of Highways England’s preferred contractors, regularly carrying out works for them and this month, we were commissioned to Area 6 & 8 of the M11 for a continuing Biodiversity project.
Usually on this type of project, we wouldn’t manage the area until around September, but the plot needed to be brought back to a maintainable level and at around 31000 square metres of land to maintain, we took the decision to carry out works on this area now and will return again in September, where we will then collect and re-seed wildflowers.
The main bulk of the job was to maintain wildflower plots (certain plants needed clearing, such as thistles) and cut grassland areas, with some vegetation management of Brown Tail Moth infested trees and scrub.
Scrub is a natural part of habitats, such as grassland and woodland and an important component of the landscape. It provides nectar, seeds, fruits, shelter and nest sites for invertebrates, birds and mammals. It also offers suitable habitat for many flowering plants.
Left unmanaged, scrub will develop into woodland. It requires periodic maintenance to retain its character and value to wildlife.
Grassland areas were cut and wildflower plots maintained, using our Reform Banking Mower with mulching head, to continue to improve and enhance the natural biodiversity of the ecosystem here.