17th September 2021

Work Hard, Play Harder

We work hard, but play harder here at ATM!

Here are some of the Northern staff on an Employee Fun Day at Tockwith Outdoor Karting earlier this month.

Seventeen members of staff attended, including some of our sub-contractors.

They completed 15 minute qualifier heats, followed by a 45 minute race, where dirty play was in force by a certain member of the Finance team, who got black-flagged for overtaking whilst the yellow flag was out!

A great team-bonding day had by all, which even included a Presentation Ceremony at the end of the day, with trophies for the Top 3 Go-Karters on the day:

1st Dan McClaren

2nd Tommy Young

3rd Rhys Kirby

A happy workforce is a productive one, and the company regularly encourage team building days such as these, to build connections with one another. We cannot wait for the next one!
