This is our new Unimog and Mulag system in action, cutting Sight Lines at Mitford Dam in Northumberland for the Environment Agency.
Routine cutting is normally carried out up to twice a year in rural areas up to one swathe width (around 1.2m). Grass on sight lines, at road junctions and bends is cut more often as required to; preserve and improve visibility, provide a safe area for pedestrians if there is no footway, and protect wildlife on roadside verges, where this does not conflict with safety requirements.
The Environment Agency ensure visibility for safe site entry/exit through additional cuts at the site access, protecting site staff, as well as other road users.
The History of Mitford Dam
Following severe flooding from the River Wansbeck in 2008 a flood alleviation scheme for Morpeth, Northumberland, UK was designed and constructed which includes one of the largest flood storage reservoirs the Environment Agency has commissioned in England.
The dam comprises an earth embankment 14 m high with a crest length of 370 m, a spillway capacity of 760 m3/s and a storage capacity of 1.4 Mm3.
Construction of the scheme was completed in 2015.