7th September 2021

Downhill Lane for Costain

As part of Highways England road improvement scheme on the A19, ATM were also contracted by Costain for Fencing work at the adjacent junction, Downhill Lane.

Construction there will be integrated into the recent Testo’s improvements, for which we were also involved with.

For this project, we supplied and installed: 3035m Post & 4 Rail Fence, 454m Post & 3 Rail Fence, 501m Close Board Fence, 8 x HCD H17 Gates, 2 x HCD H23 Timber Wicker Gates

ATM will also be undertaking the seeding & planting of hedges and trees this upcoming season.

Here are some great photos of our Ops spraying ahead of the upcoming seeding season, in ATM’s built in-house Unimog with NorStar spraying nozzles and 4000L Capacity tank.

We also have the capability to tow another 5000L tank behind, if more quantity is required.
